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Camp tours

Camp tours about the System Change Camp! Come and join us!

This year there will be guided tours of the camp site at the System Change Camp! Here you will be introduced to the camp structures and there will also be a lot to learn about the content. From the question of how the food supply is actually organised, to the presentation of the programme and the question of why we are having a camp with an anti-fascist focus this year: all these topics and more will be discussed on the camp tours. All you need to bring is curiosity.

The camp tours are primarily aimed at people who have never been to a climate justice camp before or not so often and are interested in what happens here. If you have relatives or acquaintances who you have always wanted to introduce to the System Change Camp, please forward this message to them! We look forward to seeing you.

The guided tours will take place on Monday (5.8), Wednesday (7.8), Friday (9.8) at 17:00 and Tuesday (6.8), Thursday (8.8), Saturday (10.8), Sunday (11.8) at 12:00. The meeting point is at the Exchange and Information for All pavilion, which you will find on the camp meadow. See you soon!