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Investigation committee

For part of the time of the camp, an Investigation Committee (in German Ermittlungsausschuss or EA for short) will be available: From
Tuesday – 6 pm – until Sunday, 12 noon.
The times are subject to change, as the EA has been organised with limited capacity and under time pressure.
was organised under time pressure. For this reason, it will also do less than you may be used to from other camps.
other camps. Check this page for updates before you arrive!

EA: 0155 10 299 826

What does an EA do in general?
According to the right of assembly, you have free access to the camp and the police are not allowed to check you on the way there without cause. If they do, please contact the EA. This year the focus of the SCC is on education, but we are also supporting various demos (Friday, Saturday…) and can never be sure how the police/security authorities will react. To be well prepared for everyone we have a number you can call if…

In the main, the EA registers when people are detained by the police. It then supports those affected from the outside. If necessary, it arranges legal support. At the end of a day of action, it makes sure that no-one has been forgotten and, if possible, that everyone has been released.
Therefore, always call the EA if you (or others) have problems with the police. Please sign out when you are safe.

What will this EA do?

  • Availability by telephone during the specified times
  • Overview of arrests and police contacts
  • If necessary, mediation of legal support
  • Information about your friends who may be missing at the police station

… and what not?

  • Legal advice
  • Follow-up and process support → contact your local branch of Rote Hilfe!
  • Storage of ID documents
  • GeSa support and reception in front of the police station