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Low-barrier camp

Ableism refers to the devaluation and structural discrimination of people with disabilities. Ableism is about how non-disabled people evaluate the lives of people with disabilities, what images and stereotypes they have in their heads when they think of disabled people. But it is also about the barriers that society creates and maintains. People are disabled by society. Some people therefore refer to themselves as “people affected by ableism”, “disabled people” or “people with disabilities”. (Source: )

further information: Ability – Ableismus und Barrieren

We expressly invite people who are affected by barriers to the System Change Camp. We understand barriers as socially created structures that put people at a disadvantage due to certain physical, cognitive, psychological or other characteristics. Barriers are an expression of social power relations. We see breaking down these structures as part of our political practice, which is why we try to make our camp as barrier-free as possible. We see this path to inclusion as a process in which we can and must still learn a lot. When planning the camp, we try to take possible limitations into account, and we look forward to your feedback for a joint learning process! Please get in touch with us if you have any needs, questions or comments or need support on site. You can reach the discrimination and barrier-free camp working group via the following e-mail:

Information on what we want to implement to enable people affected by ableism to participate in the camp with as few barriers as possible will follow here in the coming weeks.