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System Change Camp 2025

The System Change Camp goes 2025: The SCC will take place again next year from 14 August to 26 August 2025.
Still in the midst of reflecting on the past year, the next camp is already shimmering on the horizon! We would be delighted to see you again next year and to continue the networking, discussions and dialogue we have started.
But why does the camp now last 12 days?
We didn’t include set-up and dismantling in the camp period last time. However, set-up and dismantling are as much a part of the camp as workshops or chatting in the KüfA queue. It doesn’t just plop down on a green field:)
The SCC is a collective space and is only created through help with setting up and dismantling, taking on long-term helper activities, individual repro shifts or helping to organise in the run-up!
This is important to us, not only because it is necessary for the camp, but also because taking responsibility, self-organisation and the rejection of service logic are important elements for us in the struggle for a society based on solidarity. We are hyped for next time!

Do you have specific wishes for SCC 2025 and would like to take responsibility for helping to realise them? Would you like to help organise the next camp in the areas of programme, awareness, public relations or infrastructure? We are always happy to welcome more motivated people, even without previous experience, because only together can we organise such a big camp! If you are interested, please send us an email to

All other information on this website is still from the System Change Camp 2024 in Erfurt
